How can a dog owner effectively train a dog that starts to ignore training and hide when noticing training is about to start? - OhMyDog.Rocks
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How can a dog owner effectively train a dog that starts to ignore training and hide when noticing training is about to start?

Hi @luthrasunny Puchu picked up a new habit of ignoring any kind of training .. Earlier he was very food driven.. Now as soon as he realised I am going to start training,he simply hide himself in some corner or under the table.. Even in walk time also most of the day he is giving me hard time .. Everyday at a same point he will stop and don’t want to move further.. If I try to move him forward it’s not possible..I have to listen to him only if I have to walk him peacefully

Summary: Suparna's dog Puchu has developed a habit of ignoring training by hiding, particularly during walks. Sunny Luthra suggests that this could be due to hot weather causing lethargy, advises Suparna to change the treats used to motivate Puchu, and to record a video of a training session so that he could offer more detailed advice. Suparna tried an exception in training by commanding Puchu to jump which ended up confusing him due to lack of energy or motivation.

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7 thoughts on “How can a dog owner effectively train a dog that starts to ignore training and hide when noticing training is about to start?”

  1. Change the treats, and start by giving the treat whenever you observe dog is loosing interest.

  2. If you can make a training activity video then I can suggest how to keep the dog motivated for that.

  3. Just few mins back I gave him his food.. With that I always make him sit first and wait for some time and then give the food.. today I tried exception ..command him to jump … he simply move back and sit under the table..

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