How to handle hyperactive Mudhol Hounds that chew on everything, including clothes and bottles? - OhMyDog.Rocks
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How to handle hyperactive Mudhol Hounds that chew on everything, including clothes and bottles?

My Mudhol Hounds want to chew a lot. We have given them everything possible incl. Bones. But they are hyperactive and sometimes they chew clothes, bottles etc. How to handle this?

Summary: The conversation between Dr. Kabir and Sunny Luthra is about dealing with hyperactive Mudhol Hounds who have a habit of chewing on everything. Sunny suggests that this behavior is an outcome of their excessive energy, so providing them with ample exercise, along with a structured day consisting of specific activities, could help them release their energy constructively. Additionally, asserting discipline when they chew on inappropriate objects can correct the behavior. Dr. Kabir noted that their dogs are provided with a good amount of exercise and a place to play and he is gradually shifting their diet to meat.

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6 thoughts on “How to handle hyperactive Mudhol Hounds that chew on everything, including clothes and bottles?”

  1. Chewing is a constructive way of releasing their excessive energy but depending on what they are chewing it can be considered as destructive too..

    So for a puppy who gets hyperactive to tune down the chewing, you need to give ample exercise the first thing in the morning, walking running playing 1-2 hrs and then you have to see he gets the chew bone for a limited period of time otherwise he will get bored.

    Mudhol hounds are hunters, understanding this is important because we need to help him develop a habit to release this hunting energy in a constructive way.

    See that his day is scheduled consisting of exercises, play and occasionally trekking in nature.

  2. When they chew on something that they shouldn’t then it is a good opportunity to practice discipline ritual by remaining calm and confident during the whole process of give away that object, it goes a long way.

  3. Yes, they get a lot of exercise, walk and have a huge play area. However, sometimes they pick any object like door mats and start chewing it. Age is -3 months. We are shifting them to a meat-based diet gradually.

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