The Challenges - OhMyDog.Rocks
Course Content
Day 1
In this segment you learn how dogs develop issues, the simple but effective focus exercise, how to set clear expectations and what is the every day plan.
Canine Communication
    About Lesson

    All days are not the same, some days will be good and some days will be not that good.

    But that’s life.

    Our perception keeps on change about us, about our surroundings, sometime we are full of energy and some time we are like “Jag suna suna laagey” type.

    Just like seasons that keeps on changing, our life also keeps on changing, that is inevitable, we just need to learn how live in every season. 🙂

    With that, I welcome you to the Day 3 of this course and let’s learn about play circuit in the next video. 

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