Effective Communication Result - OhMyDog.Rocks
Course Content
Day 1
In this segment you learn how dogs develop issues, the simple but effective focus exercise, how to set clear expectations and what is the every day plan.
Day 3
You will learn the challenges you are going to face. The Play circuit in dog's mind. Most Powerful reward and the next step.
Canine Communication
    About Lesson

    This video is about a case study and I have so many case studies but got to record the feedback of Dr. Gaurangi, she has two beautiful dogs, kyra and june.


    Both are amazing and their parents are awesome. They consistently work on all the rituals and the reuslts are phenomenal.

    So, Congratulation on finishing all the videos of Day 2, you are just few videso away from generating your certificate and learn about play and affection ritual.

    Let me know in the comments, how is your journey so far?

    And, I am waiting for you to start Day 3 Videos now.

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