How to stop dog barking during meal preparation and pulling during walks? - OhMyDog.Rocks
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How to stop dog barking during meal preparation and pulling during walks?

Hi Sunny, firstly thank you for creating this group. I wanted to ask a question I have been struggling with. We adopted our pug (Tag) last year, it’s been 1.5 years he is with us. I have trained him on most things. But when it is his meal times he doesn’t sit quietly. He knows the place command otherwise. I have been trying to do this where I stop making his food when he barks. Now he sits and stays for his food but still keeps barking. He only does this when I am making his food. It starts with the moment I put my feet down from the bed in the morning he barks. He only does this with me and not my husband. When my Husband wakes up he calmly follows him: no barking. When my husband is making his food he sits relatively more calmly. Even on his walks my husband is the one who regularly walks him he doesn’t pull at all. With whenever I am taking him out on a walk he gets very excited and pulls quite a bit. I don’t know how to break this pattern.

Summary: Anindita sought advice on how to manage her pug, Tag, who barks during meal preparation and pulls during walks. According to her, she's the primary caregiver for the pug who behaves differently around her than her husband. Sunny Luthra suggested that dogs behave based on the energy projected by humans and habits. To change the behavior, Anindita was advised to work on her emotional strength and body posture. She also received a step-to-step guide on changing the dog's dietary habits and recommended to increase the duration of Tag's walks.

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6 thoughts on “How to stop dog barking during meal preparation and pulling during walks?”

  1. Also I primarily take care of him as I work from home. He follows me everywhere and is always next to me.

  2. He has boundaries like he doesn’t get pettings when he is excited or jumping so that has stopped. He doesn’t ask us for our food. He only barks around his food.

  3. Dogs behave differently with different people and in different environments as well.

    Their behavior with people highly depends on the energy the human is projecting and the habit of the dog (80% depends on the energy of the human, 20% depends on the dog’s habit). We project energy using our emotions and body language.

    Generally, male humans are more assertive and have a broad posture that projects confident energy, while generally, female humans are more emotionally compassionate and have a body language that projects submissive energy.

    When dogs come into our lives, they also teach a lot of things. Your dog is trying to make you aware that you are emotional and easily give in to the demands of others, which can impact your life in the long term.

    To break the pattern of the dog, you first have to work on your emotional strength and body posture. For emotional strength, you can start breathing exercises and meditation daily. For body posture, you can start combat training of any kind.

    Now let’s talk about changing dog behavior, which highly depends on the things I mentioned above.

    How to stop barking during the feeding ritual?
    1. Ensure you are giving enough walks to your dog (30-45 mins 2 times every day).
    2. Establish a schedule for meals.
    3. Leash the dog 60 minutes before mealtime.
    4. Prepare the meal and let the dog bark.
    5. Don’t give the meal immediately; instead, start doing your own work.
    6. Practice ignoring the barking (without getting frustrated or rushing).
    7. Once he is calm (which will happen if you are giving him enough exercise), then pick up the bowl, give it to him, and continue with your work.
    8. Keep him on the leash for the next 30 minutes, then release him off-leash while practicing “no touch, no talk, no eye contact.”
    9. Be consistent in your approach.

    The whole process depends on the exercise you provide and on not becoming frustrated or anxious during the meal.

  4. Thank you this helps. I am a psychotherapist so I understand how emotions can play a big role in this. He is a pug. We give him 30 mins walk daily once a day. Should I increase it?

  5. Yes, increase it to 45 mins, and see if you can take him on outings in nature where he can explore the nature and experience different terrains.

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