How to stop a 3-year-old, non-neutered golden retriever from humping other dogs? - OhMyDog.Rocks
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How to stop a 3-year-old, non-neutered golden retriever from humping other dogs?

Hi My pet Arcche is a 3 year old golden retriever not neutered. He tends to hump other dogs at times. How do I stop that. I do correct him when he does. He stops for sometime and then starts again.

Summary: The conversation was between a pet owner and a user, Sunny Luthra. The pet owner is concerned about his male golden retriever's frequent humping behavior. Sunny suggests that the dog's frame of mind might be the cause of the continuous excited state and suggests proper exercise and outdoor activities once a week. He also advises avoiding nurturing overexcitement at home as it could be contributing to this behavior.

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2 thoughts on “How to stop a 3-year-old, non-neutered golden retriever from humping other dogs?”

  1. If dogs live everyday in an environment where excitement is being nurtured then they develop this habit of humping every dog.

    Dogs do hump but it is a rare thing, if your dog is doing this too often then his mind is in excited state and needs more exercise every day.

    Give good exercise, take him out in nature outings once a week and stop nurturing excitement in him at home.

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