The Rituals of dogs - OhMyDog.Rocks
Course Content
Day 1
Day 1 is all about introduction and setting up the context of going on the journey of becoming dog behaviourist of your own(or any) dog.
Day 2
In this segment you will learn connection foundation, dog psychology, rituals of dogs and curing behavioral issues concepts.
Day 3
In this segment you learn about what to expect on this journey, how our energy impact our dog's behavior, and how this journey will change you, and what is the next step.
Canine Connection
    About Lesson

    After taking countless consultations and socializing session, I figured out something.

    All the behavioral issues I was handling had something in common.

    Do you know what was the common thing among thousands of cases I came across over 6 years?

    The mistakes.

    The dog’s parents were making the same mistakes.

    They were making mistakes in some or all of these 6 areas of dogs and that’s how I figured out rituals of dogs.

    The 6 rituals are:

    1. Walk
    2. Discipline
    3. Socializing
    4. Feeding
    5. Play
    6. Affection

    This video is the fulfillment formula I used to rehabilitate many dogs and prevent many behavioral issues.

    Here is the mindmap and let me know in the comments how amazing these rituals are 🙂

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