Summary: In the OhMyDog pack Platform, a member, Tushar Bagrecha raises the question regarding feeding garlic to dogs, specifically in what quantities. Some members did not feed their dogs garlic, while others do, specifying the quantities depending on the size of the dog. Tushar explained that garlic has benefits but only when fed in small and limited amounts. It can boost the dog's immunity and also repel ticks.
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Is it safe to feed garlic to dogs and what are the benefits?
Does anybody here feed garlic to dogs? If yes what qty do you feed. I started feeding both of my dogs(great dane and indie) today.
6 thoughts on “Is it safe to feed garlic to dogs and what are the benefits?”
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No i don’t feed them garlic
why feeding garlic? any benefit
I do. A small dog can safely eat one small clove everyday
Medium dog can eat 2 small cloves and large can go upto 3 small cloves
Yes. It has benifits but only if fed in small and limited amounts. Not more than they should be fed.
Isn’t garlic dangerous to dog?
No little garlic benifits the dogs immunity and is also a natural way to keep the ticks away from your dog.